Saturday, January 28, 2012

CNF to Meet with Chin State Govt in January in Capital Hakha

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The Chin National Front (CNF) is set to meet with state-level government officials of Chin State in Hakha Town in the first week of January 2012, sources confirmed.

The Chin underground political wing that has fought for freedom and ethnic equality since 1988 agreed to hold meeting with Chin State government authorities following a closed-door discussion with Minister of Railway

Transport, U Aung Min, on Thai-Burma border last Saturday.

Dr. Sui Khar, Foreign Affairs Secretary of CNF, told Chinland Guardian: "We have agreed to meet with government authorities in a state-level meeting to discuss about the possibility of a ceasefire, pending further discussion about a political dialogue with the Union government."

During the 'informal' discussion with Present Thein Sein's representative, three ethnic armed groups including the Karen National Union (KNU), the Shan State Army-South (SSA-South) and the Chin National Front agreed to hold 'peace talk' as an initial step toward a political dialogue in the future.

Pu Zing Cung, Chairman of CNF, mentioned the vital need of holding public consultation before convening a nation-wide political dialogue. He called on the new government to immediately declare a cessation of hostilities and to put the ethnic issues on the national agendas in order to move forward in the interest of bring stability and peace into Burma.

Speaking to Chinland Guardian, Dr. Sui Khar also stressed that the Chin National Front is positive about the ongoing government's approach only because the government’s offers for peace talk involve a political dialogue, unlike previous ones.

"This step that we are accepting is only in the stage of 'confidence building'. More discussions will be needed to establish trust and create a common ground along the process. Therefore, we will need time, patience and mutual trust to be successful," added Sui Khar, who is also the current General Secretary of the Ethnic Nationalities Council (ENC).

Formed on 20 March 1988, the Chin National Front (CNF) is dedicated to securing the self-determination of the Chin people, to restoring democracy, and to establishing the federal Union of Burma.

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