Tuesday, February 14, 2012

A part of journey into human life

      In all over the world, a person who should has his /her biography in life so, as for me I have to write down I was born in human being.  In accordance with our parents recorded I was born on 1 June 1986 in Autbahlaing Village, Paletwa Township, and Chin State, which located west of Myanmar. My parents named me that U Phoe Aung according to our culture yet it is not same to the day of Sunday but actually was born in that day. In Chin State, people give the name in accordance with the day he was born so my name is a little bit awry in this sense. Anyway it is no problem as a name in layman life but in Sasana must same day and name.

In 1990, the 5-year-old, adult as I was in age, I was sent to primary school and I started to be a student of kindergarten in my native village. Though few events in my early childhood are known, my relationships recorded that my parents broken up due to my grandfather’s divisive words but it was not real. I was close to my mother, who keeps me to grow up and encouraged me to pursue my education. Even she does not have much more money she wants me to be educated person in her life. So, when knowing her ambitions, I have energy in school age and studied hard more than others.
Unexpectedly, we had to move to another village when I was 11 years old and studying for Grade 5 in the school so I lost for me in the next year. In that time, no one guided about me to continue the school at village of mine because of it is knowing nothing deeply in educational system how importance it in human life of society. There are many people even old and young they do not have enough knowledge in education in the countryside. Therefore, they do not know to advise to learn education for young generation. We lived there for 4 years and the next year returned to native village. And then move in the town to Paletwa.
After moving in Paletwa, I started to attend the school again in Grade 9 but I was not allowed to attend it. So it was late a year in my age for studying, therefore I was not so happy in that year of studying. The reason why was, other students were higher than me instead of the same level. All in happened were due to  my past Kamma, I thought in accordance with Buddhism but actually I did not know anything about Buddhism in that time because I was so young and even did not know I was Buddhists or not.
The next year, when I was 16 year, I was so happy in the school age. There was a football match for student nearby my village where surrounding village of students must be competition special; if from one village, two or three teams can compete when the match was celebrating. The teacher chose me to include in the team of our school as I have ability in plating football. And we went to there to compete one and another that it was very wonderful and magical year for all of us. We won game by game and we reached the last competition the match which called final game and then we competed and unfortunately we got only second place. Although we got second place of reward, we were very happy and that was unforgettable in my school age.
In that year, there were a lot funs for me that it was one thing that I got higher mark at class and the honored me. When I study education I the school, I understood very quickly what the teacher taught us before other any subjects. By knowing in my ability, the teacher allowed to study extra time, without any charges to pay for the class fees. It was very biggest opportunity for me, when studying at Grade 10, honoring by the teacher and classmate too. Actually in the school, if the teacher was busy on with another classes, she told me to teach as an assist in teaching. It was also another way in my life was wonderful.
The year of 2004, in school of holidays, one of my friend who ordained a novice. When he became a novice I cannot live without him due to previous lives lived together with him, I think, because he and me were very lovely each other in the present time too.  The next year, I did not agree with my mother to in the governmental school and I told her I want to stay in the monastery and want to study what the abbot teaches students, monks and novices.
By hearing my word, even my mother did not know about Buddhist scriptures, she thought again and again what I have told to her. A few days later, she understood a little bit and agreed to send to the monastery. I was sent to the monastery to study Buddhist scriptures and general knowledge like other students and novices.
Additionally, when I was in the monastery, the abbot pleased on me in his teaching as I can understand what he taught and gave lectures in regularly time. I can memorize each of lectures on time before other students that was why the abbot likes to encourage in my education. I studied hard more and more and happy in learning about Buddhist scriptures and other general subjects as Motto; about five precepts and the way how live in daily life. According to Buddhist point of views, there are a lot of ways to follow in daily life, I had memorized many things; the duty of parents, teachers, students, husbands and wives, sons and daughters. All of things were very interested in my mind and I was so satisfied in learning in the monastery in accordance with Buddhist scriptures.
After studying above things, having importance in the way of daily life of the people all over the world, to protect the danger, as I was a temple boy , I must study them ; Pritta Suttas( Protection danger).
Well, as I have a little bit knowledge, I am very sure that even I was a young boy I was not wasteful. I have never been wasteful. As a young boy I had sense. Basically good sense kept me from being wasteful. Perhaps it was basic conscience even I was a young boy I saved my money and spent it proper way ,very carefully and thoughtfully, wanting to get good value from it. I did not spend it on candy or pleasure or foolishness. Even I was a young boy; I thought that money did not come easily. My mother also did not just give me money to waste without any opportunities and I had to work for it.
The most important thing in life is to understand the situations of life. It understands that the one who should wish to acquire more than anything else. In my opinion, understanding is prize of prizes. Understanding has taught me the importance of treating others justly well. It has taught me the importance of chastity, humanity, kindness and goodness.
           By Ashin Arlokavamsa.

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